Our statement of faith is historically Baptist. The following are basic tenants of the ministry's faith statement..
- The Bible is the inerrant, infallible, inspired, and immutable Revelation of God to the world.
- God is triune in nature, all sufficient, self-existing all powerful and has revealed himself as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Sprint.
- Humanity is the culmination of God's creative plan. Man was created male and female, perfect in body, soul, and spirit. Man chose to violate God's command and as such fell from perfection into sin. All men and women are born into the world with that fallen nature and can not remedy their situation outside of God's salvation.
- Salvation the gift of God, given freely to all humanity and may or may not be accepted. The depravity of man prohibits him from acceptance without the wooing of the Holy Spirit and is accepted by grace through faith as a gift. Once the individual is born again the relationship is secure through eternity.
- Heaven and Hell are the two eternal places all humans will enter. Heaven is only for the saved and Hell is only for those who have not placed their faith in Christ for salvation.
- The church is a local visible body of born again baptized believers who have covenanted together to fulfill the Great Command and Great Commission.
- The family is the plan of God for all humanity. The basis for a family consists of a father, a mother, and children. Marriage is the key and is designed to replicate the nature of God. The oneness of Husband, Wife, and their offspring.